Category: Uncategorized

08 Dec


COMMUNALISMThe concept of Communalism has came from word “commune” which refers to the body of people who share a common identity, ideology and carry capacity to voluntarily come together....

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08 Dec

Constitutional Safeguard for Minorities

Constitutional Safeguard for MinoritiesThe founding fathers of the Constitution were aware of the problems of the minorities and ensured constitutional safeguards for their protection. According to the Constitution everyone...

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08 Dec


SECULARISMSecularism normally means that religion is a personal matter and state has nothing to do with it. But in the Indian Constitution secularism means that the state cannot promote...

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08 Dec


SIGNIFICANCE OF REGIONALISM FOR INDIAN POLITICS:Regionalism is not significant merely as a disintegrating force. Regionalism is not opposed to national integration. Both can exist together in a creative partnership....

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08 Dec

Inter-state Regionalism:

Inter-state Regionalism:It is related with state boundaries and involves overlapping of one or more state identities which threaten their interests. River water disputes, in general and other issues like...

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07 Dec

Forms of Regionalism in India:

Forms of Regionalism in India:Regional Politics has taken mainly four forms namely:(1) Demand for state autonomy(2) Supra-state regionalism(3) Inter-state regionalism and(4) Intra-state regionalism.Demand for State Autonomy:The first and the...

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07 Dec

Politico-administrative Basis:

Politico-administrative Basis:The politico-administrative basis of regionalism is also important but politics as such does not create regionalism. It only accentuates regionalism. Politicians take advantage of the situation of regional...

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07 Dec

Economic basis

Economic basisEconomic factor is the crux of regional politics. India is a developing country. The resources are limited while the demand for resources for the development of various regions...

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07 Dec


Caste: An important example of the caste factor providing impetus to linguistic regionalism can be seen in the case of Tamil Nadu. Tamil regionalism gained ground as a result...

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07 Dec

Basis of Regionalism

Basis of RegionalismRegionalism is a multi-dimensional phenomenon. Its bases are varied. Here we will discuss the geographical, historical, cultural, economic and politico-administrative bases of regionalism.Geographical Basis: Usually people relate...

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