GISAT-1 mission” . Context An ISRO GSLV-II rocket will launch the GISAT-1 mission. . About: GISAT-1 is an Indian earth observation satellite to be launched in geostationary orbit. It...
[ read more ]Genome India Project Context The government has cleared an ambitious gene-mapping project that is being described by those involved as the “first scratching of the surface of the vast...
[ read more ]‘National Mission on Quantum Technologies & Applications (NM-QTA)’ . Context The government in its budget 2020 has announced a National Mission on Quantum Technologies & Applications (NM-QTA) with a...
[ read more ]Voyager 2 . Context In an incredible feat of remote engineering, NASA has fixed one of the most intrepid explorers in human history. Voyager 2, currently some 11.5 billion miles from Earth,...
[ read more ]DAILY QUIZ / DAY-19
No. of Questions : 10 Note : Detailed answers for the questions are given below each question. If any of the answers are not displaying, try by reloading the page. [WATU...
[ read more ]SUTRA PIC . Context The government recently unveiled SUTRA PIC programme to research on ‘indigenous’ cows. . About: SUTRA PIC: It stands for Scientific Utilization Through Research Augmentation-Prime Products from Indigenous...
[ read more ]Mars Insight Mission . Context NASA’s Mars Lander InSight has recorded its first ‘Marsquake.’ It has recorded a quake of 2 or 2.5 magnitude which is hard to predict...
[ read more ]“spike protein” of 2019-nCoV” . Context Researchers in the United States have unveiled the structure of the “spike protein” of 2019-nCoV, the virus behind the current coronavirus disease outbreak. . About: Coronaviruses...
Housing for All by 2022 Scheme The Government in the President’s address in the Joint Session of Parliament in May 2014 had announced that “By the time the nation...
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