The United Nations describes sustainable growth as a process that “fulfils, the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” This year, academics working on India questioned whether Indian growth was truly sustainable, or whether the country had failed to utilise resources generated by recent economic growth by investing much more in education and healthcare and developing infrastructure in an environmentally responsible way. Heading into 2014, India must better assess how to enhance economic growth together with low-carbon development initiatives including ways to improve food and water security.
For Indian growth to be sustainable, it must be inclusive to cover issues related to inequalities between castes (including tribal children and elderly people living in remote areas), disability, gender, regions (rural-urban as well as differences between states) and more. While the gender gap in employment and political participation has been narrowing, there is much more to be done for the health and safety of girls and women. India needs to do more to ensure inclusive growth, particularly by improving social protection policies.