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26 Dec


Vedanta means Veda end or the purpose or goal of the Vedas It was given by Badrayana or maharishi Vyasa who is one of the 7 chiranjivis and wrote “Mahabharta“
Difference between Nyaya and Vaisheshika
Vaisesika is allied to the nyaya system of philosophy Both systems accept the liberation of the individual self as the end goal; both view ignorance as the root cause of all pain and misery; and both believe that liberation is attained only through right knowledge of reality There are, however, two major differences between Nyaya and Vaisesika
First, nyaya philosophy accepts four independent sources of knowledge — perception, inference, comparison, and testimony — but vaisesika accepts only two — perception and inference
Second, nyaya maintain s that all of reality is comprehended by sixteen categories (padarthas), whereas vaisesika recognizes only seven categories of reality These are: dravya (substance), guna (quality), karma (action), samanya (generality), visesa (uniqueness), samavaya (inherence), and abhava (nonexistence) The term padartha means “the object denoted by a word,” and according to vaisesika philosophy all objects denoted by words can be broadly divided into two main classes
— that which exists, and that which does not exist Six of the seven padarthas are in the first class, that which exists In the second class, that which does not exist, there is only one padartha, abhava, which stands for all negative facts such as the nonexistence of things

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