HealthHealth should be viewed as not merely the absence of disease but as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. The determinants of good health are: access...
In the constitution, the compensatory theme appears juxtaposed with the theme of formal equality. The provisions for compensatory preferences appear as exceptions within a framework of enforceable fundamental rights...
SOCIAL EMPOWERMENTSocial empowerment refers to the process of building institutional mechanism for capacity building and integration of the marginalized sections of the society. It is a multidimensional process aiming...
[ read more ]CONCLUSION
CONCLUSIONIn a nutshell, Urbanization is the substantial expansion of urban areas due to rural migration and it is strongly related to modernization, industrialization and the sociological process of rationalization....
[ read more ]Counter magnets
Counter magnetsCounter-magnet towns are identified as those that can be developed as alternative centres of growth and attract migrants to them rather than Delhi. Promoting growth of counter magnet...
[ read more ]Smart Cities
Smart CitiesGovernment has taken initiative to build smart cities i.e. developing areas near major urban centres by providing civic amenities like transport, malls etc.As the global population continues to...
[ read more ]Problem of Urban Pollution:
Problem of Urban Pollution:With rapid pace of urbanisation, industries and transport systems grow rather out of proportion. These developments are primarily responsible for pollution of environment, particularly the urban...
[ read more ]Trash Disposal
Trash DisposalAs Indian cities grow in number and size the problem of trash disposal is assuming alarming proportions. Huge quantities of garbage produced by our cities pose a serious...
[ read more ]Sewerage Problems:
Sewerage Problems:Urban areas in India are almost invariably plagued with insufficient and inefficient sewage facilities. Not a single city in India is fully sewered. Resource crunch faced by the...
[ read more ]Water:
Water:Water is one of the most essential elements of nature to sustain life and right from the beginning of urban civilisation, sites for settlements have always been chosen keeping...
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