The Rajan could not have an elaborate administrative machinery because the nature of the Rig-Vedic economy An economy in which the surplus was very small, the Rajan received onlBy ali, ie offering to a prince or to a god from the conquered people However these tributes were neither regular and nor stipulated and hence cannot be called a tax
Military & Spy functionalities
There was no regular standing army The military functions were invested in the Vedic assemblies All the three persons viz the Vrajapati, Kulapa (head of the family) and the Gramani functioned as military leaders The Rajan held the Spies called Spasa to keep an eye on the conduct of the people
Ugra and Jivagribha were two officials probably meant for dealing with the criminals The Madhyamasi seems to have acted as a mediator in disputes There was no code of law in the early Vedic era
The Earliest Tribal Assembly – Vidhata
Vidatha appears for 122 times in the Rig-Veda and seems to be the most important assembly in the Rig Vedic period Vidatha was an assembly meant for secular, religious and military purpose The Rig-Veda only once indicated the connection of woman with the Sabha whereas Vidatha is frequently associated with woman women actively participated in the deliberations with men Vidatha was the earliest folk assembly of the Aryans, performing all kinds of functions- economic, military religious and social The Vidatha also provided common ground to clans and tribes for the worship of their gods