Ocean Research Vessel- Sagar Nidhi
Ocean Research Vessel- Sagar Nidhi
Recently, the Union Minister of Earth Sciences visited the Indian Subcontinent’s Pioneer Ocean Research Vessel (ORV) Ship SagarNidhi.
- Earlier, the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) has launched India’s first manned ocean mission “Samudrayaan” in Chennai.
Key Points
- About:
- It was commissioned in 2008 for the country’s marine research programme.
- It is the third research vessel after Sagar Purvi and SagarPaschimi.
- The vessel is capable of carrying out geo-scientific, meteorological and oceanographic research, and is designed with blue-water capability with ranges of up to 10,000 nautical miles (19,000 km) for voyages lasting up to 45 days.
- A blue-water capability refers to an oceangoing fleet able to operate on the high seas far from its nation’s home ports.
- It is the first Indian flagged research ship that reached the 66°S latitude [Antarctic waters], facing 11 storms and 73 nm/hr wind speed, witnessing nature’s harshest conditions.
- MoES has, at present 6 ships, SagarNidhi, SagarManjusha, SagarKanya, SagarSampada, Sagar Tara & SagarAnveshika, which are used for many ocean studies and applications including ocean observations.
- It was commissioned in 2008 for the country’s marine research programme.
- Significance:
- Research Vessels (Ships) are required for exploration and harnessing ocean resources for the Blue Economy and participation in search and rescue operations, more specifically for the implementation of the Deep Ocean Mission.
- It is used for launching tsunami monitoring systems and remotely operable vehicles, for identifying mines and gas hydrates
- It will also be used for conducting oceanic studies on the fuel of the future gas hydrates and search for scientific evidence about origin of life and cures for chronic diseases (Diseases that last one year or more).
Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES)
- It has the mandate of providing weather, climate, Ocean and seismological services and to harness living and non-living resources.
- It is also involved in development of relevant Ocean Technology and Ocean Survey of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and deep oceans for minerals and energy.
- National Institute of Technology (NIOT) Chennai has the mandate to develop technologies for the sustainable harvesting of living and non-living resources of the ocean.