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28 Nov

New Policy Dimension

New Policy Dimensions
Globalization makes it impossible for a country to gauge the impact of its on other countries in the face of increased political and social interconnectedness. Newer dimensions to policies have come up.
Globalization has led to development of Rights based approach to governance. For half a century, developing nations have been arguing at United Nations sessions for the need to recognise the right to development as a human right. With growing globalization process and severe political changes around the world and with increasing pressure from developing countries, United Nations General Assembly adopted the Declaration on Right to Development which read as follows:
“The right to development is an inalienable human right by virtue of which every human person and all persons are entitled to participate in, contribute to and enjoy economic, social, cultural and political development, in which all human rights and fundamental freedoms are fully realised.”
Principles that have evolved with new form of Globalized governance in light of rights based approach are:

  1. Universality: Human rights are inalienable, in that they cannot be taken away from someone. This universality principle is what differentiates Human rights from other common rights like citizenship rights.
  2. Non Discrimination and Equality: Everyone is entitled to all rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language etc.
  3. Indivisibility: Rights are indivisible and should be taken in a holistic way.
  4. Interdependence and Interrelatedness: All human rights are closely interrelated and interdependent and affect one another. The right to education affects the right to work and right to good health and vice versa.
  5. Participation: Participation is an essential right; this is stated on the article of the UN Declaration on the right to development. It means that everyone is entitled to freely fully contribute to, enjoy political, economic, social and cultural development of their communities.
  6. Rule of Law: Rights must be protected by strong legislations and independent judicial system to ensure that law is fair and is applied to all people.
  7. Accountability: There is an obligation to give these rights; the right holders and take other people accountable if they fail to deliver their rights.

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