The story of Agastya and Lopamudra
The story of Agastya and LopamudraLopamudra is also known as Kausftitaki and Varaprada, there is one hymn in the Rigveda is attributed to her Lopamudra was created by sage...
[ read more ]The Concept of Sapta Rishi
The Concept of Sapta RishiSaptarshi or the seven sages are mentioned at many places in Vedic Literaure The term “Saptarishis” is NOT mentioned in Vedic Richas but they are...
[ read more ]Concept of Rita and Dharma
Concept of Rita and DharmaDharma is so called, because it holds; Dharma holds the people Etymologically, Dharma is derived from the root Dhr—to hold—and its meaning is ‘that which...
[ read more ]The Harappans practiced earth burials whereas the Aryans practiced cremationHarappan pottery called black or red pottery was wheel made and very distinctive in nature The distinctive Aryan pottery is...
[ read more ]Comparison of the Harappa and Vedic Civilizations
Other Important NotesComparison of the Harappa and Vedic CivilizationsThe key differences between Harappa and Vedic Civilization are enumerated as follows:The sources of information of the Harappan civilization are mainly...
[ read more ]Dharma:
Dharma: Dharma is given the foremost rank in the scriptures Today, it coresponds to religious, social and/or moral righteousnessArtfta: material and/or financial means of livingKama : pleasure including sensual...
[ read more ]Anuloma and Pratiloma Vivah
Anuloma and Pratiloma VivahThe marriage of a man of higher Varna with a girl from lower Varna was called“Anuloma Vivah” It was allowed by the sacred texts The marriage...
[ read more ]The life became sedentary and the domestication of animals and cultivation increased Cattle were still the currency and principle movable property The idea of private possession of lands started...
[ read more ]Changes in life in Later Vedic Age
Changes in life in Later Vedic AgeThe key changes in later Vedic era included evolution of territorial sovereignty; development of Varnashrama dharma, degradation of Sabha and Samitis, degradation of...
[ read more ]Crafts and Metallurgy
Crafts and MetallurgyAll kinds of crafts were practiced There were potters, Chariot makers, carpenters, and weaver and leather workers The metal work was known as follows:Copper was known as...
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