Yama is considered to have been the first mortal who died and espied the way to the celestial abodes, and in virtue of precedence, he became the ruler of...
[ read more ]Soma & Haoma
Soma & HaomaThe fermented juice of the plant called Soma appears to have been the only intoxicating drink used in Vedic times So much were the ancient Aryans addicted...
[ read more ]Savitri is another name of the same deity Sun, and the sacred hymn, the Gayathri Mantra, which is still repeated every morning by pious Hinuds all over world; is...
[ read more ]Indra was conceived as a warlike deity, battling with the clouds, called Vritra, to obtain copious torrents of rain for man, and fighting with the demons of darkness, calledPanis,...
[ read more ]Dyus-Pitr, Mithra, Varuna
Dyus-Pitr, Mithra, VarunaThe Aryans looked up to the bright sky and worshipped it under the name of Dyu or Dyaus This term is equivalent to the Greek Zeus and...
[ read more ]Vedic Religion, Polity and Society
Vedic Religion, Polity and SocietyRig Vedic GodsBefore we discuss the important deities of the Vedic people, it is important to understand that Aryans were solely theists and their contemplation...
[ read more ]AdvaitaIts proponent wes Adi Sahnakara and ftis Guru Gaudapada The essence of this Vedanta is that “Brahman is the only reality, and the world, as it appears, is illusory”VishishtadvaitaIts...
[ read more ]Vedanta:
Vedanta:Vedanta means Veda end or the purpose or goal of the Vedas It was given by Badrayana or maharishi Vyasa who is one of the 7 chiranjivis and wrote...
[ read more ]MimansaMimansa means investigation or enquiry The primary enquiry is into the nature of dharma based on close theology of the Vedas it has two divisions, Poorva Mimansa and Uttar...
[ read more ]Yoga
YogaFounder of this school of Philosophy was Patanjali Yuj means “control” and Yoga also mean to “add” Rāja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, and Hatha Yoga are...
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